A Simple Yet Effective Way For a Marketer To Identify Value Proposition For Customer

Courtesy: corporatefinanceinstitute.com Value proposition is the core element for a marketer to influence the buying decision of customers. It answers 'why' someone should do business with you. The value proposition is a powerful tool to drive business and build a customer base. It should convince a potential customer on why your product or service willContinue reading "A Simple Yet Effective Way For a Marketer To Identify Value Proposition For Customer"

Creating Cult Experience for Bike Enthusiast – Royal Enfield way!

Authored by Arasuprakash, Jenson Alex, Arifullah and Nibeditha Shome. Cult is a social group that is defined by its unusual religious, philosophical beliefs, or by its common interest in a personality, object or goal. Cult Experience can be a powerful marketing tool to create a Word-of-Mouth marketing.They can overpower the conventional advertising efforts as the ConsumerContinue reading "Creating Cult Experience for Bike Enthusiast – Royal Enfield way!"

Planning for a startup? Should it be LLP, private limited or OPC?

Naresh got a idea about a business. He has also met few talented people to work with him. Now, being from technology background, he doesn’t have any idea about how to start or register his new business? He goes to Rajeev, his friend from school who is a corporate lawyer in the city. After fewContinue reading "Planning for a startup? Should it be LLP, private limited or OPC?"

Currency swap agreement between India and UAE in Legal terms

Currency swap between India and UAE First, we will try to understand what currency swap agreement is. It’s an agreement to between two countries, here it’s between India and UAE to exchange good and services using their own local currency. Instead of using third currency like US dollar How it is done ? Here theContinue reading "Currency swap agreement between India and UAE in Legal terms"

Electoral Bonds – Biggest Non Transparent Scheme

On 12th April ,2018  Supreme Court ordered all the political parties must submit details of donations received through Electoral bonds to the Election Commission in a sealed cover before May 30. Electoral bonds worth Rs 1,1716 crore already sold this year, Rs 1,057 crore in 2018 In its interim order the court effectively declined toContinue reading "Electoral Bonds – Biggest Non Transparent Scheme"

Strengthening of Arbitration: Need of the Hour in India

Background of dispute resolution in India According to National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG), India has pending cases of 3.3 crores. While 2.84 crores cases are pending in subordinate courts, the backlog clogging the High Courts and Supreme Courts is 43 lakhs and 57,987 cases respectively. Of all the pending cases, 60% are more than 2Continue reading "Strengthening of Arbitration: Need of the Hour in India"


THE EMPLOYEES’ PROVIDENT FUNDS AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ACT, 1952 “An Act to provide for the institution of provident funds, pension fund and deposit-linked insurance fund for employees in factories and other establishments” was enacted on 4th March 1952. Basically it is one of the main platforms of savings in India for nearly all people working inContinue reading "THE PF VERDICT"

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