Workspace Flexibility

With changing perceptions of office, the workplace is now being looked at as an environment that needs to be managed and optimized. Shishir Baijal, Chairman and Managing Director, Knight Frank India, said.

To execute a vision, to fuel a dream, we not only need a spark to take us beyond, but we need a place where we can channelize our efforts and focus on the next step. And that step, in the right direction, into co-working spaces makes it simple to deliver the solution for any customer.

Be a working professional, or an entrepreneur, shared working spaces help us elevate our goals rather than prioritizing Maintenance Cost, Administrative handling and so on.

A 11 per cent of the companies said the greater speed to becoming operational was the primary reason for selecting co-working or serviced office space ahead of more conventional office space. A research shows global corporates intend to operate increasingly from flexible, serviced and co-working spaces, which create a more collaborative working environment and offer freedom to expand and contract quickly according to market conditions.

If I were to conduct a product training for group of 10 members over 3 batches across 3 months, the conventional cost of space hire in a star hotel is easily 4 times higher compared to that of the shared space, which is operational 24*7.

According to real estate services firm CBRE, the global average utilization of assigned seats is 60%, excluding vacant seats, while the global average meeting room utilization is just 30%. According to CBRE, the next few years, with office rents continuing to move up across India, the total space leased by co-working operators in tier-1 and tier-2 cities could touch 6-10 m sq. ft. by 2020.

Still, a lot of legalities need to be eyeballed prior to signing a co-working space. It’s just isn’t about occupying a space. One needs to ensure that principle rules and laws are adhered around the premise and the same that needs explicit writing is mentioned in the agreement.

If a company is a startup, in order for them to be sustainable, it may be important to involve large businesses in their growth story, and such programs further add more value to co-working spaces. “Because these facilities are not necessarily exclusive for startups, it gives participants the option of meeting someone who is already established in their business. It thus gives them a lot of exposure in addition to providing a space for them to work out of,” says Shankar. “Some of these startups are quite creative, while others may be pivoting to different stages of growth,” he added.


One thought on “Workspace Flexibility

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