Cost of a carry bag – learning from Bata India case

You are in big brand retail outlet, finished shopping and at the billing counter you are being asked if you would prefer a ‘carry bag’ at a cost of Rs.5 (to Rs. 25 in some cases) per bag –  does this sound familiar to you…!!!  Well, all of us would’ve encountered this situation and itContinueContinue reading “Cost of a carry bag – learning from Bata India case”

Data Privacy – Indian Information Technology Act, 2000 vs EU’s GDPR

Few years ago, I used to carefully note down the date for my vehicle insurance renewal and kept reminding myself to renew the insurance before the policy expiry date.  I used to think how nice it would be if someone reminds me before the policy expiry date instead of me having to worry about missingContinueContinue reading “Data Privacy – Indian Information Technology Act, 2000 vs EU’s GDPR”

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