A Simple Yet Effective Way For a Marketer To Identify Value Proposition For Customer

Courtesy: corporatefinanceinstitute.com Value proposition is the core element for a marketer to influence the buying decision of customers. It answers ‘why’ someone should do business with you. The value proposition is a powerful tool to drive business and build a customer base. It should convince a potential customer on why your product or service willContinueContinue reading “A Simple Yet Effective Way For a Marketer To Identify Value Proposition For Customer”

Creating Cult Experience for Bike Enthusiast – Royal Enfield way!

Authored by Arasuprakash, Jenson Alex, Arifullah and Nibeditha Shome. Cult is a social group that is defined by its unusual religious, philosophical beliefs, or by its common interest in a personality, object or goal. Cult Experience can be a powerful marketing tool to create a Word-of-Mouth marketing.They can overpower the conventional advertising efforts as the ConsumerContinueContinue reading “Creating Cult Experience for Bike Enthusiast – Royal Enfield way!”

Government bends environment protection laws – but at what cost?

At an international business conference, Narendra Modi vowed to make India the easiest place to do business. This aggressive focus, now threatens the environment by opening avenues for mines and dams, destroying and flooding hectares of forests cover and ecosystem. Since 2015, Union budget has cut funding for the environment ministry by 25 percent andContinueContinue reading “Government bends environment protection laws – but at what cost?”

NPPA – Price Cap, Right move?

During the mid 2017, NPPA( National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority) regulated several medicines and medical devices like cardiac stents, Artificial knee joints to curb profiteering and bring health care afforable to the Indian public under under the Drugs Prices Control Order (DPCO) 2013. NPPA achieved this by radically slashing prices 86% for cancer drugs, 40% forContinueContinue reading “NPPA – Price Cap, Right move?”

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