Law and La La Land – Lalman Shukla Vs Gauri Dutt (1913)

There is no limit to human greed; The infamous case of Lalman Shukla V Gauri Dutt Allahabad High Court (1913) is a nice example of this. Here are my 3 perspectives of the case. I don’t intend to critique their honorable judges’, or the Allahabad court’s interpretation of the law. The judgement was passed andContinueContinue reading “Law and La La Land – Lalman Shukla Vs Gauri Dutt (1913)”

My first course on Business Law

I’m taking a PGPBM course in Indian Institute of Management Trichy(IIMT). Its already 4th term in the course and so far the learning curve is really steep. In almost all the courses so far there is a moment of revelation that elevates my understanding of world better. Likewise, after the first 4 sessions of theContinueContinue reading “My first course on Business Law”

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