Lifting of the Corporate Veil: Vijay Mallya case

We have learnt from our previous Financial Accounting and Business Law classes about the concept of “separate legal entity” in a public company.  “separate legal entity””, is a legal concept that separates the corporation from its shareholders, and protects them from being personally liable for the company’s debts and other obligation.  Though the “Limited Liability”ContinueContinue reading “Lifting of the Corporate Veil: Vijay Mallya case”

General Elections 2019: Code Of Ethics For Social Media Comes Into Effect

Social media has completely reshaped the communication industry and also changed the way we communicate and express. Social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. make sure that they constantly engage people in some or the other activity. Now it has become an integral part of our lives. Not only individuals but also businesses,ContinueContinue reading “General Elections 2019: Code Of Ethics For Social Media Comes Into Effect”

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