Some interesting facts and information related to “ORU VIRAL PURATCHI*”

What qualification do we need to contest in Election? The qualification for membership of parliament & sessions of parliament, propagation and dissolution are defined under article 84 of Constitution of India 1949. Article 84(a) of the constitution of India visualizes that a person shall not be qualified to be chosen unless he is a CitizenContinueContinue reading “Some interesting facts and information related to “ORU VIRAL PURATCHI*””

Trade Secret Misappropriation & DTSA

In March 2019 Tesla motors Inc. sues few of their ex-employees for alleged trade secret theft. Tesla has filed two of such cases against their former employees who went to work at self-driving vehicle start-up ZOOX & Chinese EV automaker Xiapeng motors. In one of the above two cases Tesla alleges former employee Mr.Cao, whoContinueContinue reading “Trade Secret Misappropriation & DTSA”

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