Dead man tell many tales !

This is a case about a person who claimed to be the prince of Bhawal, presumed to be dead a decade earlier. Among many other cases in India, this seems to be an extended Indian Court case very popularly known as Bhawal Case. This case is treated as one of the most sensational cases asContinueContinue reading “Dead man tell many tales !”

Anything can actually happen over a cup of Coffee!!! Lieback vs McDonald’s Case

In the year 1992, Stella Liebeck, a 79 year old woman and a resident of New Mexico , spilled the coffee served by McDonald’s in her lap and was severely burned. Liebeck sued McDonald’s for serving coffee at an insanely high temperature for which she was unfairly held up as an example of frivolous litigationContinueContinue reading “Anything can actually happen over a cup of Coffee!!! Lieback vs McDonald’s Case”

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