Oral Agreements in India – Legal Perspective

In India, most people work on the basis or oral understanding based on goodwill and written agreements are often an exception rather than a norm. These Oral Agreements are valid as per Indian Law (bound to some conditions). However, it is not of great evidentiary value as it can be vague and based on secondContinueContinue reading “Oral Agreements in India – Legal Perspective”

Prostitution in India – Legal Debate

“I disapprove of what you say, But I will defend to the death your right to say it”   – Voltaire  Sonagachi , Kamathipura , MeerGunj , GB Road – these are some of the infamous red light districts in India , where some out of the two million sex workers in India live in squalorContinueContinue reading “Prostitution in India – Legal Debate”

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