Currency swap agreement between India and UAE in Legal terms

Currency swap between India and UAE First, we will try to understand what currency swap agreement is. It’s an agreement to between two countries, here it’s between India and UAE to exchange good and services using their own local currency. Instead of using third currency like US dollar How it is done ? Here theContinueContinue reading “Currency swap agreement between India and UAE in Legal terms”

“Cheque is not assurance of money in India and its consequence on economy as whole”

Let me start with an example. Say John a young entrepreneur wants to start a business in Agricultural sector. He had a little exposure to market like from where to buy the products and where to sell them. He had invested a significant amount of money in Marketing his company as an agricultural products tradingContinueContinue reading ““Cheque is not assurance of money in India and its consequence on economy as whole””

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