High Court Quashes Land Acquisition of Chennai Salem 8 Lane Proposed Project, Favoured TN Farmers as ‘Environment act take precedence over National Highway act’!

Farmers and environmentalists across Tamil Nadu were protesting the proposed 277-km eight lane Chennai-Salem highway, a Rs. 10,000 crore project. Authorities say the green corridor project would uproot around six thousand trees. However, environmentalists claim the loss would be much more, with at least 3 lakh trees being uprooted and hundreds of lakes and waterContinueContinue reading “High Court Quashes Land Acquisition of Chennai Salem 8 Lane Proposed Project, Favoured TN Farmers as ‘Environment act take precedence over National Highway act’!”

EWS Act,2019- Economic reservation, is the way forward for India?

124TH Constitution amendment bill passed for providing 10% quota to Economical week section (EWS) for general category over and above the SC/ST/OBC category of 49.5% quota. Bill has been passed by both houses and signed by president on 12-01-2019, by amending article15,16,30 of constitution towards reservation on government jobs and on educational institutions. Now theContinueContinue reading “EWS Act,2019- Economic reservation, is the way forward for India?”

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